Socially Engaged Art

Weird Allan Kaprow is ...

Added on by Zachary Gough.

Weird Allan Kaprow is an American critic, assemblage artist, parodist, and pioneer in the development of conceptual karaoke.

Weird Allan Kaprow is ...

YokoBono and Jasper John Lennon: Guestwork
Mariah Carrie Mae Weems: Sharita Towne
and Joseph Beuys II Men: Zachary Gough
with regular help from Riley King

All videos can be found at our website: 

Scroll down to read a bit about our three projects: 
1. Karaoking Portland
2. Public Apology Karaoke
3. Karaoking the Museum

But first, check out Joseph Beuys II Men's first solo Break out album/project:
4. The Precarious Creative Workers of the World Little Red Songbook



Karaoking the Museum

Added on by Zachary Gough.

Karaoking the Museum uses the form of popular songs to tell the material and social history of art through the participatory form of karaoke. Popular songs have been paired with artworks in the Portland Art Museum and have had their lyrics altered to reveal the context in which the artworks were made.