Socially Engaged Art

Zachary Gough is an artist that works collaboratively and responsively with other artists, community groups and organizations to promote alternative economic systems and toward deconstructing the capitalist viral value paradigm and its manifestations. He often uses participatory and immaterial media, such as radio and performance, to address materialist concerns, such as labour, power, debt, education, and liberation. Zach is a member of "Weird Allan Kaprow", a post-colonial conceptual karaoke art-band, in which he goes by "Joseph Beuys II Men". Zach is a graduate of the art and social practice MFA program at Portland State University in Oregon. He recently completed year-long artist residencies at JL Ilsley High School and at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design through the Art and Activism group. Zach has taught classes at Portland State University in Oregon and at NSCAD University in K'jipuktuk, Mi'kmaqi (Halifax, NS).
